Founded by Adva Center, Injaz Center and the Union of Advisors for Promoting the Status of Women
About Lecturers
Ghaida Rinawi Zoabi

CEO of Injaz Center, former manager of the development unit in the National Committee of Heads of Arab Local Municipalities.

Barbara Swirski

Head of Adva Center, Sociology MA and social entrepreneur. Among the founders of Israel’s first shelter for women victims of domestic abuse and of Adva Center.

Etty Conor-Attias

Research coordinator and lecturer at Adva Center. Public Policy MA, Tel Aviv University.

Valeria Seigelshifer

Coordinator of gender equality projects and lecturer at Adva Center. Philosophy & Education MA, Hebrew University; Gender Studies PhD student, Bar Ilan University.

Yael Hasson

Researcher and lecturer at Adva Center, coordinator of the Women’s Budget Forum. Working on a Sociology PhD at Haifa University.

Joman Mazzawi

Holds a B.A. in behavioral psychology, and is a certified groups facilitator. Projects coordinator at Injaz Center

Fairouz Bakaria Yassin

Economics & Accounting BA, Haifa University. 14 years of experience providing financial guidance, funding, workshops, and business consultancy.

Yaron Hoffman-Dishon

Director of Adva Center popular education program. Sociology MA, Ben-Gurion University. Activist in Koach La Ovdim – Democratic Workers’ Organization and Yesod.

Att. Noga Dagan Buzaglo

Adva Center researcher and lecturer specializing in education, labor, labor law, and social security. Sociology MA, Hebrew University.

Safa Agbaria

Accountant, researcher and lecturer at Injaz Center. Economics MA from American University, Washington DC.

Dr. Efraim Davidi

Social historian.Teaches at Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University, lecturer at Adva Center.

Guy Pade

Lecturer at Adva Center, Haifa University, Open University. Chairman of the Social Economic Academy’s Managing Board. Political Science MA, Haifa University.